Annnnnd Bob did his Bobmagic and made a friend. Now hopefully next, someone comes to clean up the bikers and bikes and get them to the medtent. Wonder if Bob will end up with Tweety as a pet and buddy?
So… please send prayers.
At 7pm EDT last night, I put my cat “Capt. Benjacat Layabout Sisko” down.
He had had a stroke, had a heart murmur and had fluid on his abdomen.
Things like that are always difficult. Remember the good times, be grateful for their lives, and be very proud that your friend had the coolest cat name ever.
My condolences on your purrie. You will always have a hole in your heart for them, but I hope you can find another to take up that place that needs a cat in your life. Purrrrrrrrrrrrrr for your purr-son and a big hug too.
I hung his collar, and favourite toy above my monitor, with a resin print of the USS Defiant I had done in September. I have his paw and a print on canvas that’ll be added in the coming weeks.
A little tribute to my first ever pet.
We’ve had two cats, our first one made it to 19 with a few issues near the end, and the last companion he had, outlived him by several years… we missed them both and had a stray we brought in (who went into heat early and got out) so she had her kittens on the bed, and I had to deliver them as most of them were breech-five. We kept two and rehomed her and the others… and decided to recycle the names. The he-it looks a lot like his namesake and has a lot of that one’s ‘tude, the other doesn’t but she also has a lot of her namesake’s catitude as well. These two might outlive us, but. It feels good to be using the names again and having the crash of little paws once again. I hope you can find another to fill your life with meaningful catitude. 🙂
I picked two boys from their website – Brows who has a pure white face, but black just over his brows – and his brother Oreo. They should arrive this week sometimes, after the vet ok’s them to be rehomed. They have a little cold.
Couldn’t reply to your 1:09am msg but yes mayhem.
Today, as I walked out the door to get my iced capp, I turned and said “I’ll be bac… oh.” *Looked up to heaven* “Sisko, as usual, I’ll be back in 10 minutes. Don’t destroy anything my lil monster.”
One of my favorite poems. My picture that I have an altar to in my head, is a tree. Under it are all the pets I have had, and when I get there I walk down the road with them all…
Annnnnd Bob did his Bobmagic and made a friend. Now hopefully next, someone comes to clean up the bikers and bikes and get them to the medtent. Wonder if Bob will end up with Tweety as a pet and buddy?
So… please send prayers.
At 7pm EDT last night, I put my cat “Capt. Benjacat Layabout Sisko” down.
He had had a stroke, had a heart murmur and had fluid on his abdomen.
I know I did the right thing for him, but I hurt.
As an owner of two cats who has lost several to age, you have my prayers and sympathies, friend.
Thank you DJ.
Blessings. Another friend to see over the Rainbow Bridge.
Breaking Cat News is a sweet cat-centered comic that helped me after my cat had to be be euthanized.
Things like that are always difficult. Remember the good times, be grateful for their lives, and be very proud that your friend had the coolest cat name ever.
I only had him 4.5 months. I wish he’d been around a lot longer.
BUT it was humane to put him down, inhumane to keep him alive.
My condolences on your purrie. You will always have a hole in your heart for them, but I hope you can find another to take up that place that needs a cat in your life. Purrrrrrrrrrrrrr for your purr-son and a big hug too.
I hung his collar, and favourite toy above my monitor, with a resin print of the USS Defiant I had done in September. I have his paw and a print on canvas that’ll be added in the coming weeks.
A little tribute to my first ever pet.
We’ve had two cats, our first one made it to 19 with a few issues near the end, and the last companion he had, outlived him by several years… we missed them both and had a stray we brought in (who went into heat early and got out) so she had her kittens on the bed, and I had to deliver them as most of them were breech-five. We kept two and rehomed her and the others… and decided to recycle the names. The he-it looks a lot like his namesake and has a lot of that one’s ‘tude, the other doesn’t but she also has a lot of her namesake’s catitude as well. These two might outlive us, but. It feels good to be using the names again and having the crash of little paws once again. I hope you can find another to fill your life with meaningful catitude. 🙂
I picked two boys from their website – Brows who has a pure white face, but black just over his brows – and his brother Oreo. They should arrive this week sometimes, after the vet ok’s them to be rehomed. They have a little cold.
Oh… good. I hope they give you many years of mayhem and purr.
Couldn’t reply to your 1:09am msg but yes mayhem.
Today, as I walked out the door to get my iced capp, I turned and said “I’ll be bac… oh.” *Looked up to heaven* “Sisko, as usual, I’ll be back in 10 minutes. Don’t destroy anything my lil monster.”
One of my favorite poems. My picture that I have an altar to in my head, is a tree. Under it are all the pets I have had, and when I get there I walk down the road with them all…
Now we know the noise birds make slurping water.
Information is power!!