Let’s see, so far, Lowell got in trouble at Sportsmart for trying to design and lead a corporate weekend. And Hubris took a family rafting down a river which led to a corporate weekend. Paintball was involved in there somewhere. Now, suddenly, Outdoor Galore Store itself is having a corporate weekend outing. This is grand, isn’t it? If the corporate world can just monetize and monopolize the natural world, then everything will be under the sway of profit.
“Profit” is the name of a demon from the eighth circle of hell, isn’t it? Maybe it’s more of a nickname. Lots of stuff is done in that name, though, so it’s okay.
Is the opposite of “profit” “confit”? Does it fit? One size fit’s all?
Your comment led to learning a new word.
“Confit refers to the process of slow cooking and storing food in fat.”
Indulge enough and you’ll need the “one size fits all” style.
Heh. Yay, I’m having all the fits!
Your puns are leaving me fit to be tied…
Most likely a nickname for “Greed”, which is one of the Seven Deadly Sins.
Eeeh… it’s a living.
Is the rain letting up, or did Greg’s hand finally cramp up from drawing so many lines?
The rain is spreading at its own rate, here and there, hither and thither, thither and yon… No, you’re right. I was getting fed up, and decided that the rain could be different from place to place. So far.
Love it!
David is gonna have his tail tight between his legs, for sure!
Packing sucks.