I’m not sure that Paste would REALLY know what a record looked like, outside having met a disc jockey somewhere who exhibited some old vinyl. Do DJs keep the album covers?
I’m not sure that Paste would REALLY know what a record looked like, outside having met a disc jockey somewhere who exhibited some old vinyl. Do DJs keep the album covers?
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Either everyone decides to snarl back or enough coffee might make everyone go their separate ways…
Ramon’s upset that Ms. Wiggins-Ross didn’t take him up on his offer to go some place outside of the U.S. Some place nice.
Vinyl has made kind of a retro-cool comeback. Only really hipster actually play them, but they make cool display pieces.
what’s this? Abba grumpy version group now? Or do they need a ‘reset’?
I only know what they showed on WKRP. And, turkeys can’t fly.
@Bryan H – Technically, only Tame turkeys can’t fly. Wild ones (the kind Mr. Carlton wouldn’t have been able to get a hold of) can fly to beat the living tar off a person if they’re so inclined.
As to how paste would see a record…
Well it could be the retro-rise of vinyl Or I would guess maybe any one of the adults in the family might have some laying around some place? I can see either his mom or dad having some squirreled away as a guilty pleasure that they wouldn’t admit to but that, of course, paste would be privy to.
If confronted, David might even claim they were an “investment” because you know how pricey collectables can become… Especially if it’s an original and from a dead artist or defunct band. 😉
Perfect kid logic “Y’all are either acting WAY too much like kids, or WAY too much like adults!! Choose one and let’s have cake!!”
paste if you were smart as you are suppose to be you will get up and walk out the room now or be quiet and make no more remarks unless you want to set off some dynomite.
Leaving aside the question of Paste’s familiarity with record covers (or lack thereof), his description of the group before him is dead on. So many bands sport a look of dour determination (or determined dourness) on album covers and other photos. Or else they just appear solemn in a more or less neutral way. Though there are exceptions, the serious look seems to be the rule, and I’ve often wondered why that’s so. (Whether it has anything to do with how seriously a band is treated — or not — I couldn’t say.)
In other news, notice how Wiggins-Ross’s eyes now look like David’s. Maybe it’s just a temporary condition, and means nothing. Then again, could it be that Dorothy does have reason to worry?