I think Dusty might have spent the previous evening mentally spending that ‘Consultant’ fee while not dealing with lighting engineers and interviewees.
Oh, you don’t wanna scorn a woman who’s made a career out of beating up wildebeests and savanna monitor lizards who’re trying to do her a bodily injury whilst the camera man says to stand a little closer to them.
Speaking of which, remind me to dig out the photo of me and a freakin’ bald eagle that my wife took right after she said, “See if she’ll let you put your arm around her!”
Damn eagles.
Never, never call them “bald”! They’re very sensitive about that.
They’re “patterned eagles.”
She would prefer to turn raptors loose on his money guys….but she’s not that dumb. When he reports back she hits….it’s no longer about production as much more about protection.
So how’d it go with your eagle hug?? (He asks knowingly)
The longer this strip runs, the wider my emotional response to the characters. Dusty is now second on the “Comeuppance” list.
She’s about as sweet as aged sauerkraut. Too bad the cameras weren’t rolling. That would have made some great footage for the TV feud.
When I read your comments, Mr. Cravens, I really… really… REALLY miss those “like” buttons.
She’s just dusting her knuckles.
Poor Durnell
Dusty is having her reality check bounce to the moon and back. Just because she wants something doesn’t mean it’s going to be and not be the way she wants it, when and how she wants it.
I would say she’s furious because she’s going to have to go back to making more episodes of the show,and her ego is needing a trim as well…. sigh.
If Dusty tries that gut punch thing again, she may find herself in a feud with Durnell’s lawyers.