I got word today that my new stickers are about to ship. They’re less Hubrissy than previous stickers, but I reckon that all Patrons of Hubris wouldn’t mind a sticker or two along with their new thank-you packets.
I should apologize- I’m not very good yet at posting updates to Patrons. But a few time-eating projects have been dealt with, so I’ll get my act together. Thanks!
You keep the strip coming, so all is good Greg.
Better than having the City’s Finest talk to you in the lobby of your company’s office building because you went out at lunch, hopped in a car with engine on idle, handed over money and got out with some baggies. Yes, my wholesale importer delivered strings of semiprecious stone beads… (exhibit A and B) and here’s the invoice. The good old days.
Espionage is for the movies. I’d say poor Kelly but he just got a nice fat check I bet. Now if I was Lowell I’d copy that flash drive to three or five places to back up that I had a copy…
At least Kelly has that “MiB”vibe going on. Or, maybe the X-Files thing. So, it’s all good. Maybe Kelly should have given Lowell a “Hubris” sticker to go along with the ‘Files, just to make him feel a bit better about “sticking it to him”.
hmmm okaaay Lowell looks ready to cry in a corner of the floor…
Was noticing that myself. I’d ask what was eating him but I really don’t want to know actually. I’m guessing it’s nothing his loyal bandit mask wearing buddies couldn’t sort out for him though… If for no other reason than they’re just so cute and well, it’s not like he’s got any other real friends.
Time-eating projects are no doubt also paying projects. So no, we don’t mind.
Brian there’s already sussed out what’s going on.
Brian is laid back – like me when I did security – and lookin’ for new work already. He knows the fecal matter is gonna hit the flabellum, and he’s ready. haha
other then ready to start blubbering like a whale.for his plans went down in flames and he is about to once again try and form and allinace with hubris to destroy the company he loves. lowel is good