Again today, I talked to a reader who only shows up for the comic strips, thus missing out on all the weird and fun sidebar content. That’s fine, I guess, but you’re doing yourself a disservice. Check down the page. There’s fun things. I encourage you especially to check out ‘Talk About Toys’ where all the product reviews and such are. Good stuff. If you really prefer cartoons, then you can certainly look at ‘Other Toons’, and see more silly drawrings. Enjoy. Also, be a buddy and Vote Hubris, Join us on Facebook, Google+ Hubris, StumbleUpon, and Reddit and Twitter and Pinterest and all that stuff! Man, the world in our computers is one crazy place.
Truth be told, I only show up for the comics too.
The product reviews/ads don’t really interest me, neither does the blog.
Each day I get a coffee at work and then I quick read a few comics while it cools. Doonesbury, Dilbert, Sherman’s Lagoon, Sinfest, and now Hubris are my daily routine.
The phrase “daily routine” is key here. Daily upgrades are important to me. I have dropped other comics from my routine because I got tired of constantly seeing the same cartoon.
Thoughts for your consideration.
Yep. Can’t blame ya for a moment.
I hope to do Hubris on a daily basis soon enough… and no one knows what it takes to do a daily strip better than me. I’ve been doing The Buckets daily for ten years. When Hubris can turn a dollar or two here or there, it’ll become possible to go daily. Right now, Hubris is an expense. With more readers, and more clicks on ads, it can become a revenue source. But it’s only been a year. We’ll get there. Gotta recruit more readers on them iPads out on the trails who’re looking for that next backpack to buy.