People keep telling me “You should stop drinking those sodas. They’re bad for you.” And I say, “Yeah.”
Couple of weeks later, they say, “I thought you weren’t going to drink those any more.” And I say, “It wouldn’t be possible to drink them any MORE… I’d have to have a constant IV drip to increase what I’m already getting down me.”
Just because something’s bad for you- sodas, sugar, STDs, war, alcohol, smoking, free climbing, Facebook… doesn’t mean people WANT to give it up. That’s not how we’re built.
My doctor managed to get me off the sodas. I can’t gag down anything carbonated any more. It can be done.
That said, there is healthy and healthy-sneaky. Hubris just needs his taste buds re-educated. Heh. (and an occasional ho-ho scarf in the closet)
In the closet? Noooo. If it ain’t worth doing out in the open, don’t bother.
In the closet so you don’t have to SHARE 🙂
Aw, Hubris would share…
Hubris would, except if it was his Tastee-Kakes (10-22 and 10-24 2014 strips) .. those would probably rate a closet horfing.
Built for comfort not for speed.
Free Mandela (in every box).
He’s ALMOST smiling..
Why is it when people emphasize healthy when describing food, it usually means flavorless with the texture of sawdust?
Because they don’t know how to COOK and buy that prepackaged garf.
And how to PREPARE (some raw stuffs). Add a lettuce wrap and a Thai green sauce to healthy up a dish without sacrificing quality.
Here: Green Sauce. Raw: Dice up finely garlic, ginger, shallot. Add lime, Chinese parsley (cilantro), green onion, salt (or fake salt). Do something else for 10 minutes. Salt is used to take the edge off the garlic. Served with toasted sesame oil (optional).
Variant: Don’t like onion? Replace with thyme, basil. Don’t like sesame oil? fish sauce or olive oil.
Serve with meat or fish with lettuce for a wrap.
That sounds like my kind of thing. Might make that for Fish.
Not telling Hubris it’s healthy isn’t really going to work because she can’t stand what she’s eating, either. She’s only eating the stuff because she knows that what she really wants to eat is going to kill her faster. But, cow feed is still cow feed, no matter what Cosmo mag says.
Skip all the onion, use fake salt, and fresh basil, spicy hot oregano… as well, and give a light sprinkle of ground sriarcha pepper… mix with tofu or reconstituted TSP/TVP and put it on a corn tortilla. 🙂
Oregano? Very interesting. I think I’ll try that.
KNO3, there is a kind that has a sort of kick to it, I grow some every year. Plain oregano isn’t going to have the same zing to it.
As for Kara, she should quit telling Hubris it’s healthy food. Just be enthusiastic about what’s in the tote.
yes she will take one after all its only fair since hubris is going to eat the healthy lunch she slaved over even though he rather not.
And Bob’s yer uncle.