Welcome to 2017, everyone! Thanks for indulging me for a week, there. The weather wasn’t the best for outdoorsy hijinks, though I did put in a link to a silly video, if you scroll down a bit and click on it. I think. I thought I was going to get it to play in a little window… and maybe I will. There’s always a way to do this stuff… I just gotta get it figured out.
Thanks for the Patron that upped his patronage from two bucks to five a month! It’s really appreciated, Mark!! I’ll send you something cool in the mail. You did give Patreon your mailing address? Gotta have one of those to mail things.
So here’s hoping that 2017 is full of fun, and not at all crazy-time.
So Paste’s day of reckoning came?
What DID Pam do to him and did someone write this down.
Paste saw body parts he’d never even DREAMED of.
It’s been a good day. There’s no way anything in the rest of 2017 is going to top this.
those EYES he is doing, it’s like he is high or already fantasizing.
well Pam good work in reining in the little troll without having to slap him silly. not sure i would have resisted the urge
and well WB GREG
So Paste is bragging about being the perp? Verrrrry interesting.
or Paste is being Paste lol
So … Paste and Hubris’s last name is Foris?
Paste’s last name is Foris.
Yep we got that tidbit a while back. That drawing Greg did and posted in comments on a yellow legal pad of Paste in an army uniform with name on pocket and his flattop highNtight no amount of brainbleach is going to fix. That is something that shall never be unseen.
Have you established Hubris’ last name?
Why, yes I have. Must have been when you weren’t looking.
December 2nd strip, the police officer refers to Hubris as Mr. Draussen. Some time before that we sleuthed out who Hubris’ dad was, Karl Draussen, an Olympian who competed circa 1980. (see the strip set where Kara, her father, and Hubris go to the range to shoot and Hubris brings out his father’s really nice rifle and makes a smiley on the target)
if paste is claiming that as a trial run hate to see when he does the real thing. for after all paste has been unleashed in all his glory watch out