Nice night for a dam inspection, right?
The inspectors know that nobody is going to be prepping what there is to be inspected when you show up in a storm, in the evening, at the end of a week.
Or maybe they were just running really late in bad weather.
Either way, this inspection ought to be fun, right?
Wow, they’re inspecting? It doesn’t show… Which one’s going to be the new mom?
This is sounding like the start of a Zucker-Abrhams movie. Hubris will probably fill in for Leslie Neilson.
are the green things in the bowl some weird snacks?
This being Halloween season and all 🙂
Ah… dam. I was hoping you were looking for Fanshawe Dam.
Dam inspections are dam fun!
Not unless they are willing to pass The Buck.
If they’re serious, then the buck stops here!
Judging from their continued deployment of their umbrellas (indoors), they must not have much confidence in the facility’s roof.
Look at the cracks in those walls!
WUH-oh. The way that wall be lookin’, Stanky Creek might be about to become Stanky Bay. Nice ominous, foreshadowing allegory with the “tower of cards,” there…
Y’all got any ID?
Put it inside your foul weather gear.
house of cards collapse – I missed it at first. A card in his hand would make me want to see what he’ll do with it