Merry Christmas (Or Hanukah, Or Kwanzaa, Or Solstice, Or Tax Year, Or Saturnalia, Or Agnostica, Festivus, or New Year, or whatever makes you and your family happy. It ain’t up to me to be anything but neighborly. I’ happy when you’re happy, and I don’t wanna set fire to anything in your lawn.)
That said…
You can tell that Mal has never done a boot camp style workout.
The deferential love that creeps into the voice of one whose life has been altered, if not saved, by a boot camp style workout, is missing from the (I picture) grating, nasal tones of Mal’s voice when he talks about Lowell joining in on a morning exercise regimen.
Also, Mal’s kind of a underfed li’l creep, so… y’know.
I’m kind of convinced that Lowell is based on me … except the Vader helmet hair. I hate Star Wars.
He’s more of a Spaceballs anyway.
Considering it’s 11 degrees here, a fire in the yard would be nice.
Hey, Lowell’s losing instant weight! Good on him.
Very effective weight loss technique. Another, slightly slower technique is to contract pneumonia. The one and only time I did that, I pretty much couldn’t eat for a couple of weeks (occasional sips of tomato soup) and lost ten pounds.
I understand that most medical professionals do NOT recommend EITHER technique. They want you to stick to that old, “eat less (and better) and exercise” thing. Ah well, to each their own.
A few years ago, I had a kidney stone which took a week to pass. Couldn’t eat during that time, either. Now, if I only could have *kept* the weight off…
Given the choice, I think I’d take the pneumonia. I’ve known people who have had kidney stones.
I, myself, had gallbladder stones. That was no picnic, either. During a nauseating stay in the hospital I was licking ice cubes. Lost 10 pounds in one week. A personal best.
Problem was, they couldn’t risk surgery to remove the gallbladder because of my white blood cell count. I had to wait a couple of months before returning to go under the knife.
Lowell is still there! I’m impressed!
What’s Mal’s last name? Nourished?
Adept? Adroit? Suited? Equipped? Prepared? Content? Insert pretty much any *good* thing as the second half and it’s probably accurate (all-together).