Hoo boy. Somebod’s gonna get hurts. And it’ll have very little to do with frisbees…
Scratch that.
It might Involve a frisbee but I think they may need a proctologist to “retrieve” it. >>;;
No, its the juxtaposition between Kara going nuts and the boys cringing. You don’t need to see Odd Job and what they’re doing. Alright, her calling the guy Odd Job was also a lynchpin. What? I now get to put on the rabbit ears & pretend I’m RC Harvey?!?
They cleaned up well in half a block’s walk.. annnnnnd it’s gone!
Holy crap.. first?! That NEVER happens..
And now you can’t say never.
In this case of course.
Just because I was in the bathroom at clickover, Debil… heh
Now then, let Kara explain THAT one to her insurance company….
Oh yeah those. Kara is right, it’s not broken glass, it’s sharkskin like sand paper to reduce drag (kinds like a shark skin).
No one remembers who Odd Job was?
Oh yeah we do
And hat’s off to both of you. Ahem.
Hoo boy. Somebod’s gonna get hurts. And it’ll have very little to do with frisbees…
Scratch that.
It might Involve a frisbee but I think they may need a proctologist to “retrieve” it. >>;;
Nah, an orthodontist could do it… but only after a proctologist pronounces it to be too far in to be within his field of expertise.
I like both of these! Infarction…
Whoah! That’s some disc for it to shatter the window.
Now Kara has a convertible the insurance will be higher than it already is for the luxury.
I’ve never seen Paste that spooked before. Nice. Can’t wait to see how this resolves.
I humbly suggest that one of the participants in the game is Big Foot, and his disc is a chocolate-covered manhole cover.
Now, that’s a ticket selling sight gag waiting to happen alright! ^_^ <3
This one wins the award (thus far) for year’s best strip…
It’s always the rowdy strips with good sight gags that go over the best, isn’t it?
O’Course! A person can only take so much high brow humor before they have to admit their Three-Stooges-roots are showing through the dye job. ;1
I’m afraid there’s those that dig the Three Stooges and those that don’t. I will admit I’m in the latter camp.
No problem with this dye job… as it is I’m about to go au-natural and shave it off again.
and the crazy just went up a number as kara and co have arrived and she is not happy.
No, its the juxtaposition between Kara going nuts and the boys cringing. You don’t need to see Odd Job and what they’re doing. Alright, her calling the guy Odd Job was also a lynchpin. What? I now get to put on the rabbit ears & pretend I’m RC Harvey?!?
And Odd Job: I just saw him on some Mid Atlantic Wrestling tapes from the mid 70s. He sucked as a ‘oriental martial arts threat’, too.
Oddjob, the guy who played him Harold Sakata died in 1982 of liver cancer FYI.