It looked so pretty, I had to get a photo before I rammed a knife into it and made a total mess.
What you don’t see was my wife squashing a mixture of melted butter and spices all up under it’s skin and then toothpicking the hide down at 5:30 this morning. Not as easy as the recipe made it sound. Plus, your arm looks really, really, really nasty when you’re done squishing and smooshing butter goop under there. Really nasty. You don’t wanna know.
Do you have Cajun Injector in your neck of the woods? It makes chores like that a lot easier.
Oh, yeah. We did that for a couple of years. And we’ve had ’em deep fried, and we’ve done the butter and sage rub cooked inside the paper grocery bag and all. Gotta mix it up. This year’s turkey is probably the prettiest I had seen outside a magazine shoot. And the trick worked. The meat was truly juicy, and the skin did what the recipe said it would, gettin’ all crisp and goodly.
Happy Gluttony Day!
Hope everyone gluttoned as much as they could when they could!
We were well-glutted.
Very nice bird. Well done!
You should frame that picture in testament to your wife’s culinary magic.
I always cut off the parts nobody ever ate (tail, wings) and tossed them in stockpot with the neck and giblets and herbs to make a good broth to anoint the baked-outside-the-bird dressing (stuff a bird=dry bird)…. and covered the breast with aluminum foil. Gorgeously moist breast… the best one ever was the year I tended coals in a kettle grill and put the turkey on a beercan….
Greg, next year try putting bacon on the turkey, toothpick and cram it together, and cover the breast with it. That’s awesome too. Cover it with aluminum foil over the bacon covered part…
Hmm… gonna have to try butter under the skin, combined with the brine technique. Thanks for the tip!
Oh, yeah. We did the dry-brine thingy on Wednesday morning, and let that sit for 24 hours. Then the butter thing right before cooking. Beauty.