What with the Charlotte HeroesCon to get ready for, I didn’t get this post ready when I wanted.
It’s a big ol’ THANK YOU to those who’ve used the Tip Jar (also known as the Voluntary Subscription, the Donation Button, the Team Hubris signup) to support Hubriscomics.
It got you guys an extra six strips so far, and one of these days, will get another couple on there, I’m sure.
So, if you enjoyed getting a half-dozen extra Hubris cartoons on more or less random days, then you can thank these nice people:
James T,
Michael D,
Glen S,
***Scott F,
Curtis H,
Pedro C,
Paul Y,
HTH Enterprises,
Eryn B,
Allan’s Computer Services,
Terry G,
James (Doodle) L,
Patrick W,
Bryan H,
Patrick C,
Douglas S.
If I missed your name, or you’re baffled as to why I didn’t put last names, gimme the shout out and I’ll add your name or your surname, as needed.
If you want to know why Scott F got little star/asterisk thingies on there, it’s ’cause he went for the monthly thing. So he gets stars.
I forgot to mention- all the folks on the Tip Jar list who sent back an answer to my request for mailing addresses- I have NOT YET sent out the stickers and pencil originals. I apologize for being so slow. Someday, HUBRIS will be my main vocation and I’ll get this stuff knocked out more quickly. Y’unnerstand.
Thanks for the shout out, Greg!
And the nice extra 6 strips! They’re very NICE, extra strips. The kind we’d like to take home to our mothers. Thank you for the extra nice strips!
I wondered why I had stars
Yes, thanks for naming us, you are most welcome; and I didn’t do the monthly because my $$$ ebbs and flows. Need to tithe to you again one of these days and keep you drawing, though 🙂
I’m one of those that ALWAYS appreciates more Hubris!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You’ll have to do something with that Bucket franchise for that to happen
You should know that you’re welcome. But just in case you aren’t aware–you’re welcome. 😉