Tom Maxwell thought we should hear about this. (CLICK)
It’s a MUNI fest. MUNI is ‘Mountain UNIcycle.’ They’re fun!
If you’re thinking that riding trails on a unicycle is somehow tougher than riding a bike, I remind you that riding a unicycle doesn’t involve any skills you don’t already have. If you can walk, you have the balance skills. If you can ride a bike, you have the pedaling skills. That’s all you need. A little practice, learn to hop a bit (Just hold the handle on the front of the seat and remember to lift your knees) and you’re on your way.
Ohhh… cool!
My knees and elbows filed protests just thinking about riding a Uni, yet alone on a bike trail. Ye be a braver body (and have better insurance) than me, in this case. Does sound kewl though.
(I WAS in SanFran last weekend, and almost got tossed out of a quilt shop for juggling some pattern weights full of beans sitting innocently on the cutting table. They forgave me when I melted my plastic on too much fabric I just *had* to have though)(talk about killer hills, they have much worse ones than Lombard Street)
On a really strange note: out of all the places or situations in which you wouldn’t expect to find a unicycle, this must be one of the least likely.
It’s a MUNI fest. MUNI is ‘Mountain UNIcycle.’ They’re fun{If you survive it.)!
If you’re thinking that riding trails on a unicycle is somehow tougher than riding a bike{Then you’re a winner! Come on down!}, I remind you that riding a unicycle doesn’t involve any skills you don’t already have{Except keeping a wheel on a stick thats violating you in a position to keep doing so…}. If you can walk, you have the balance skills{Psyche!}. If you can ride a bike, you have the pedaling skills{Psyche!}. That’s all you need{Aaaand a medical team…}. A little practice{if you’re willing consider the 15 to 30 hr learning cycle acknowledged by professionals a little.}, learn to hop a bit{another few hours practice…} (Just hold the handle on the front of the seat and remember to lift your knees) and you’re on your way{To the hospital!}.
Remember to wear your wrist guards and your helmet{And shin guards, AND[very important word] thick calf high boots.}. Enjoy{Have fun dieing.}.
This message is brought to you by, A Learning Unicyclist Aspiring To MUNI.
I tried the shin guards for a while. I’m not saying I don’t have an interesting scar on one shin from a particularly interesting UPD (UnPlanned Dismount) but I just couldn’t enjoy the shinguards. Eventually I didn’t miss ’em. Of course, now that my skills have atrophied, I bet I need ’em again.