Here’s a fine article the local paper had me ‘write’ about today- Free Comic Book Day.
You might have to click on the image a couple of iterations to get it up to a legible size. Who knows how these computers decide to display anything. It didn’t offer me the size option I wanted. Baffling.
So if there’s a comic shop near you, go in and see what they’re willing to do for you! Different shops have different deals.
Thanks for the heads-up, Greg! (Great comic art, too, by the way.)
However, I went to several of the comics shops near me and none of them were giving away anything. I tried taking a sample copy of something near the door at one place and they called the cops on me. “Free Comics Day” my butt…
Ah, well, it now occurs to me that I might have been wise to point out that Free Comic Book Day is, in fact, an American thing. Possibly only a U.S. of America thing. I keep forgetting the Innernets amazing power to allow me to show off my cartoons to people in countries with different, albeit less cartoon-oriented holiday traditions. Today, for instance, is National Cartoonist Day. (May 5) It hasn’t caught on here in the U.S. as well as, say, the originators of the concept had hoped. On the other hand, maybe you could mention it, in conversation, to Japan. If they’re not really invested in Cinco De Mayo, maybe they could get behind National Cartoonist Day. Lotta cartoonists there in Japan.