Okay, Jeff has some amazing stuff for me to post here, and I thought I had it ready to load up while I was out of town, but here we are without it and I’m going to delay it a day or so ’cause I have to honk on about my visit to The Festival Of Cartoon Art. I saw some of you guys there, and met some cartoonists that I hadn’t before, and saw some old friends, and some NCS peers with whom I shared a few stages. It was great. Here are some pictures for you:

The view out of my hotel window. Just right of center, you can make out a couple of museums- one of which hosted most of the Festival. The whole area used to be automobile manufacturing.

Rick Stromoski (Soup To Nutz) reviews my book. He's in charge of the National Cartoonist Society Foundation. They graciously helped out the Festival. It's what they're tasked with and they do a fine job, Rick especially.
There’s lots more tomorrow, but I thought you had plenty of comic strips to look up as it is: Soup to Nutz, Retail, Gil, The Brilliant Mind Of Edison Lee. Enjoy!
Rick doesn’t look like he’s enjoying your book.
Oh, Rick has some bulimia issues. No big thing. He’s special.