Okay. Won won. Again. He discovered that the previous photo was from this sign:
I’m sure we’re all suitably impressed.
But now we go to this:
By now, hopefully I’ve learned to successfully eliminate all the tricky little digital clues embedded in the photo info. Maybe not. If there’s something to find, I reckon you guys can find it.
I know I’ve said it before, but this time… surely this is a real challenge. Maybe impossible.
Go for it!
Fair enough, this was tricky. Arches National Park sign: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-ppKy4AfUrmQ/Tg7aMwgdGwI/AAAAAAAAB2I/XbbG2Vi0Ph4/s1600/Arches%2BNational%2BPark%252C%2BUtah%252C%2BUSA%2B-%2BFran%2BWest.jpg
Now to get back to work 🙂
Good Lord.
I mean…
I don’t suppose you’d like to write up a little tutorial about how you DO that, would you? I suspect there are some real 21st century skills that we all should have.
How the…
Son of a…
What the….
Alright. I’m going to run the whole photo for this one on Saturday.
And I’m skipping ahead to the final photo. The tough nut. The crazy one. You just wait. Gonna be a good one.
Whoa! Won, do you work for a law enforcement agency? If not, why not?
He already knows the general region your in so the search area is some what limited, plus the color and font of the sign, and the terrain your likely to visit. This makes it easy to scan the photos of park signs until you get a match.
Ah! So it’s one of those “Not being lazy” things. I personally am not patient enough to put that kind of thought into it. No matter! Saturday’s photo is… impossible.
Quiet Random Guy! You’re making me look bad 🙂
Private Eye-worthy. To my unschooled eye, the new photo looks like the previous one . . .