AllanVS posted this on Facebook, saying it should be a Hubris thing. Thought I’d share it here. Whattaya think? Hubris on Wheels?
AllanVS posted this on Facebook, saying it should be a Hubris thing. Thought I’d share it here. Whattaya think? Hubris on Wheels?
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C’mon you have to admit, when you look at this Greg, you see Hubris grinning ear to ear… and Kara prepping the First Aid kit, and having EMS on standby.
Pssht. I hate to admit it, but I still see ME trying stuff like that. All I was thinking at first is how I’d probably grind my chin OFF trying it. Of course, that’s what’s going to happen to Hubris when I send him down the hill. Death Wobbles and Chin Grinds! Woohoo!
By the way- everyone reading this- go over to the right hand side of the screen and ‘Vote Hubris’ wouldja? We’ve slipped down into the 500s! Gotta beef up them numbers. Thanks Team!