Here you go! Flapdoodle saves the day in six pages. I have a much longer Flapdoodle story that’s more entertaining, but have never had a venue or opportunity that drove me to draw it. It’s a lovely script, and maybe now that I love doing so much, I have a reason to complete the work and show it to you guys. For now, though. Wander back to down the site again in a couple of days and we’ll continue with The Grand Canyon Diaries. And please remember to Vote Hubris and give us a Google+, a StumbleUpon, a Tweet or whatever you got. Share the fun, yeah? “Thankyuh, thankyuh ver’ musch” as the King is popularly said to have said.
dude, you TOTALLY need to continue with Flapdoodle! It’s total |@(_)9}{@93 (laughage)!
Glad you like it. I originally intended the character for a full length comic called ‘The Kobolds in my back yard.’ and I might still do it. It was a good script, but it looks like a lot of work.