At last, we know that TSOJ didn’t drown in the creek yet. Safe to assume that PlainDave has outridden him. Possibly to go get help, who can tell.
At last, we know that TSOJ didn’t drown in the creek yet. Safe to assume that PlainDave has outridden him. Possibly to go get help, who can tell.
In this case, the ‘Punk’ in ‘Steampunk’ is short for ‘Punkin’.
Well, instead of working on my cartoon last night, I gave out candy. It being a damp weeknight, there weren’t as many trickertreaters as there might have been, so in lieu of a full-blown cartoon, you get a doodle I did on some damp paper in my lap between goblin visits. I’ll try to load up a cartoon sometime this weekend for ya, so you don’t miss out.
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