Did someone point out that Hubris was supposed to be sharp enough to have brought a tent?
Yes, I think you did.
And yes, you’re right.
He brought it.
Too late now, of course.
Did someone point out that Hubris was supposed to be sharp enough to have brought a tent?
Yes, I think you did.
And yes, you’re right.
He brought it.
Too late now, of course.
So, if you found yourself in the woods, thinking you’ve been having an in-depth conversation with raccoons who rode their tricycle into the woods and caught you a fish for dinner…
I mean, I’d hopefully start wondering if I could work out from empirical evidence if I were, in fact, stroking out or hallucinating mightily.
On the other hand, we should hang on to the fever dream… how else are we gonna have a fish to eat?
Is there any reason for Raleigh to know Hubris’ name? Really? No, there’s not a REASON… in that it’s not reasonable to thing that Raleigh cares.
And it’s not reasonable to think of him (or her, how would we know?) as Raleigh, ’cause that’s clearly not the sound that was made when Hubris asked.
And… was Hubris really ASKING? That seem weird to you?
Do you guys remember when I used to do three cartoons a week, and a couple of blog updates too?
Maybe not. The metrics on the blog updates was wretched. I eventually quit so my family could see me for another minute or two a day.
But why not remind everyone of the fun they were missing?
That’s right! I wrote a silly article on FIRE LUMPS!
Here’s the photo that went with it.
Thrilling. Now that I think about it, there may be a reason there weren’t many page views on the ol’ blogs.
Lots of folks never get farther than about 150 feet from their cars, even when visiting really neat places. Shame, really. On the other hand, they DID get out and go to the State Park, so that puts them ahead of a few other folks.
For those of you who have clicked here and thought, “Oh, I haven’t seen this particular strip yet. That’ s odd.” This is an extra one. A big whopping “Thank You” from your flabbergasted cartoonist, so grateful that some of you can and did put a dollar figure on your experience here at Hubriscomics.com that the tip jar saw some quick action Thursday and Friday morning. You guys rock so hard, you get an extra couple of cartoons this week. Here’s one.
If you have no idea what I’m talking about, you can click HERE or on this:
Don’t you love camping next to somebody who, for any number of reasons, can’t quite realize that A COUPLE OF MICRONS OF NYLON WON’T STOP A HUMAN VOICE. AT… ALLLLLL. Cub scouts, snorers, first time campers, drunks, people hopelessly distracted by leg cramps… all of ya- SHADDUP! We’re tryin’ to sleep about fourteen inches away from you on the other side of two tent walls thinner than a pair of fancy underwear. And if I gotta pick between your conversation and the amount of sleep I’m getting on the cold, hard ground, I’ll take the sleep, meager as it is.
Sorry to those of you who appreciate traditional good writing, where you don’t get a pile of new characters dropped on you all in a flurry, but I got a Festival to fire up. Here’s Durnell.
Here. I made you a little checklist for this weekend. And I saved you some time. Marked that last one for ya.
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