Friend of mine used to do this. Draw a turtle in the dirt if we needed rain by morning for a kayak trip. Uncanny how we seemed to see it work so often. Of course, we all REALLY, REALLY wanted it to, so we were happy to remember the hits and forget the misses.
Hubris: “Burn the witch!”
Wiggins-Ross: “Lowell is a witch?”
Lowell: “… what now?”
SHE’S A WITCH! Really what do you expect from the VP of Marketing?
Witch? I thought she was Cherokee.
Would Hubris know from Cherokee?
Pardon me, a practitioner of the wyrde arts and greater mysteries outside of the realm of science.
This’d be a fun thread to continue, but it’d spoil the next cartoon. You’re gonna have to wait til Friday to get my approach to the witch, wyrde, whatever stuff.
OOoOO I like Kayaking!!
Son of a witch!
hubris should thank the pr witch first then proably kill lowel for being so happy that hubris event could fail to make him look good. but thank him also for having the lovely witch cause the rain to spite lowel
Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday Dear Hubris, no more bandages for you….at least todaaaayyyyyyyyyyy..
A friend of mine did this at boarding school with some differences:
A: He said it was Native American Tradition ingrained in school lore and history.
B: They called it a Rain Frog rather than Rain Turtle.
C: After solemnly drawing the circle, with 4 legs and a head for five participants to stand in, all five, plus any extra on the periphery, would urinate in the center of the Rain Frog while concentrating on the powers of the Great Rain Frog to bring rain at the appointed time the next day.
D: The boarding school was not co-educational, but the are plenty of websites with instructions for women to control their urine stream while standing.