Kara and Steve are such a cute couple, don’t you think?
Kara’s all energetic and driven, and Steven is… about to be crushed under that.
Kara and Steve are such a cute couple, don’t you think?
Kara’s all energetic and driven, and Steven is… about to be crushed under that.
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“Yes, dear.”
It’s worked for me, for the past five decades….
James 2:24
What was the conversation Hubris & Kara had so long ago? “Would every date with you make my life flash before my eyes?!” … “Maybe, but they’d make it worth watching.”
Thought I’d point that out. Just sayin’.
And if I’m not mistaken, wasn’t there a comic somewhere back in the past that had Hubris and Kara sitting exactly situated as those two are now, with Kara progressing through almost exactly the same sequence of facial expressions?
Crepes are good.
Steve needs to rekindle that old flame, and go out running on a bad ankle again.
Makes me think of ALL of my relationships, current included. ?
They are both making a mistake – the same one!
Steve need to find a girl at his level of excitement.
Kara needs to get back with Hubris, she would love his current activities. Maybe they could meet on the trail and she could give the raccoons a checkup.
I agree. Maybe now that Hubris has a million-squillion dollars from selling his business, perhaps Kara’s dad will be a bit less condescending.
I don’t see this eventually ending well.