Durnell’s not one to crush anyone’s dreams without good reason.
If the good reason happens to be that newspapers don’t pay money enough for people to live on, well, it’s not gonna be Durnell who kicks a guy like Clem when he’s down!
Nossir! He’s gonna tell him fair and square that they’ve got a good job for him the very minute that they lose their minds.
More to the point, though, they’ve got a crappy job for him right now.
Clem: “I want a job as a writer.”
Durnell: “Ain’t got one open. Got a janitor job open.”
Clem: “I don’t want to be a janitor. I want to be a writer.”
Durnell: “Janitor pays (some) money. You can write for us, but you ain’t getting paid for it.”
Clem: “… Do I have to supply my own broom?”
“We have this broom. We also have this money. If you push this broom, you can also have this money.”
Somehow that is a difficult concept for today’s workforce which wants to be paid for simply showing up, goofing off, and accomplishing nothing of any value.
Clem sure looks different now than he did when he first appeared in February of 2016…
Musta got a nose job.