Is it just me, or does the idea of a house that you can clean with a fire hose and ride your skateboard in sound like a great place to live?
Is it just me, or does the idea of a house that you can clean with a fire hose and ride your skateboard in sound like a great place to live?
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My old college dorm was 4 walls of painted cinder blocks with a capped drain in the middle of the floor. Some of the rooms where left in such a condition at the end of the year that strong bleach and a firehouse was about the only way they were going to get clean.
In Singapore, it’s common for the maid (there are a LOT of them there) just to pour water on the floor, and ‘sweep’ everything into the centre drain.
My aunts house was 100% concrete – even the roof!
Excellent! Good thinkin’. I heard that Thomas Edison ‘invented’ a house that was entirely molded concrete. Dunno if he included drains.
gotta be cold in winter tough
As a single mom, I REALLY LIKE this idea!! (Wisconsin, though. Cold is a problem.)