There are different theories about raising kids. And dogs. And dealing with co-workers.
It comes down to consistency. Or what your brain tells you is consistency. What it REALLY comes down to is making people think that you’re appreciating them, and handing over surprises to keep ’em from being mad at you.
There’s a best-selling book about child-raising in that. And dog-raising. And two or three books about dealing with co-workers. Per year. They do a LOT of those books.
Oh I would be so be targeting the ref in that get up. Why?
Because it’s PAINTBALL!!
The Trolls would next….if I can get a shot past the net.
Actually that was very fair of him.
Failing to follow the ref would have triggered Dusty’s “viral video” impulses. There would have been nothing left of the player to identify.
Is that Kelly? XD I’m sure Ray would loooove to hear that haha.
Ear and neck are tinted darker than Ms. Paintball there, but the hair is short and natural… hm. Don’t know if that’s Ray or not. If he pulls out a radio to send a message back that he sent another one back into the fray, that MIGHT be Kelly.
Whoever that is in the ref suit, nice scheme they’re rocking. Hey, somebody obeyed the ref, sure, reward them.
This paintball game is about what, ten million paintballs and how many fanatics? They are going to need a mondo rain after this to get the paintball area a normal color again… technicolor runoff. (I know that stuff is supposed to break down but c’mon….)
I got my Mace and Teargas balls in the mail yesterday. The fruit thieves had better watch out this year! My blueberry field has never been safer.