At last, we know that TSOJ didn’t drown in the creek yet. Safe to assume that PlainDave has outridden him. Possibly to go get help, who can tell.
At last, we know that TSOJ didn’t drown in the creek yet. Safe to assume that PlainDave has outridden him. Possibly to go get help, who can tell.
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Thanks, Greg!
The Cog is Dead is a steampunk band that does a wide variety of music, usually story songs influenced by Jules Verne, H.G. Wells, and various steampunk SF writers (including air pirates, sea monsters and mechanical circuses). Their latest is “I don’t want to live on this planet anymore.” Look for it on youtube.
True story – I was in the hospital for 6 days at the beginning of October for eye surgery (removing and replacing the lens in my left eye, and removing a membrane that was growing on the back of the eye). The hospital didn’t have internet access and I don’t have a smartphone. Japanese TV is horrible and I couldn’t stand watching any of it. I did bring my MP3 player, with 10 CD’s worth of music, including The Cog’s 4 albums and a bunch of Patreon-only parody covers. I had The Cog on steady rotation all 6 days solid (not including when I was in the actual surgery). Of course I’d want them with me in the race, too.
(And, yes, they would be on steam bikes. Check out their song, “The Copper Wars.”)
Hope you’re better now Curtis!
You’re doin’ good in the race!
That’s their name! I heard a song by them several years ago on a camping trip and loved it, but I forgot their name and couldn’t find them when I got home.
Absolutively positivelutley, AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That is poster worthy that first panel!
Amen on your surgery. May you be mended up. I’m sitting through another post Covid brainswabbing waiting on results.
Thank you. I’m working on it.
Healing wishes to both of you!
I got called a few hours ago that my test was negative BUT: at the Dollar General there was a woman running around looking half congealed, with cough, snorting and hacking, and NO mask and going ‘I just HAVE TO get some Christmas ornaments to decorate my place..’ and when I got to the register the clerks have masks ON (they didn’t when I entered) and had the spray sanitizer and the other out and said that a person in her house IS positive. Great. So when the clinic called about my test, I told them this. They were going ‘oh good grief-oh no’. So I said if I get worse I’ll come back. She probably went through the grocery store as well….
I had some symptoms so I went for the test. Never again while I’m conscious. It took two paper towels to soak up all the blood from the nose stabbing.
Our medical people have to have that test every few weeks… and I’ve been a repeat customer. When they went to do me this last time I was sitting in the chair, she got out the swab and I had my head tipped back already and she went ‘oh you’ve done this before’ and I managed to give her a one eyed evil eye for that. She did two swabs, BOTH sides. If you kleenix a fingertip and put it above that cartilage arc where your septum is, head forward and down a bit and just wait for about five minutes, you’ll get most of it. Just be careful about snorffling or snorting for another ten or so. Sounds like your tech got a little extra assertive there, my condolences.
Keep on Pedaling!
Aha! Someone who knows the difference between farther and further.
Where I grew up, the word was “Fu’ther” either way. “He was fu’thering his career, your honor” or “The still is fu’ther up that there road somewheres.”
Are those handlebars or manual pedaling? When will they notice their flat in back? I love the traction of the gear used as a sidecar wheel. And the unicycle is still beating them. 🙂
This may be the world’s first and only recumbent unicycle.