Sorry- this cartoon was supposed to have posted this past Friday, but the power went out… and the cable/internet went out… and I was getting ready for a trip…
Hm. Those are all the excuses I can think of.
Here’s a cartoon! I’ve only got two more for this week, but you’ll get ’em!
Kara Biner is going out on a rope. Steve the Foot Guy thinks he’ll be stepping out with her soon. Will Hubris turn them both into a Paste?
nice set of puns 🙂
That.. sounded like a death knell.. Kara’s wrong, but so is Hubris. You can’t live for or through other people. Even fictitious ones. The answer is right in front of them. Hubris lives his name and Kara has so much baggage she should start her own airport! Neither is communicating. Hubris needed help, it backfired spectacularly last time he asked. So he’s stopped asking.. at all.. Kara wants to compete, but has no brakes. Both of them are hurting each other unintentionally.
Way too real and painful to watch. Good job!
What am I paying Greg $100 a month for, if my comics don’t come every weekday?
By $100 I mean CAD$10 which is usually about USD$8
Greg… you didn’t…
Whatever, you weren’t the only one with power outs. Ours, the 100km run of bare pole that keeps my end of the grid hooked on, started icing up and the chunks were swinging in the 100 kph breezes so they had to turn the power off and go knock the ice off before it either ripped the wires down and/or knocked chunks down onto someone driving plus probably drop live transmission wires on them. You be you, Greg.
I think Kara is the one at a good crossroad, she needs to go figure out her life. Hubris will bounce back better, he just needs a few days away from the Fest craziness and catch up on sleep. Then let Foris and Wang have a bid war for the fest, sell it, and attend next pass just to participate, which is what he probably just always wanted to do anyways. Heh.
I can see David Foris and his investors snagging the fest, and putting Wiggins-Ross and Lowell in to nationalize it, with regional Fests all summer long (just like the RennFaires). Heh.
And Hubris at least, happy once again with his shop and his friends…