Jimmy’s doing what he does best- heading off trouble when he sees it coming.
Or when he thinks he sees it coming.
You might think that Shelly’s accustomed to moving under everyone’s radar. Aaaaand you’d be right.
Also- apologies. This was meant to load up this morning.
Like Jimmy said… She’ th’ brains.
Now THIS is getting interesting. More workplace intrigue!
I wonder if Shelly will turn out to be the brains behind the “little matter” at Sportsmart that led to Ms. Wiggens-Ross showing up to “bust some heads” a while ago. Mal is devious enough, but he doesn’t seem smart enough to come up with such an idea.
Shelly: “You share, I share, the world’s a happy place, right Jimmy?”
All I’m sayin’ is we got two veritable powder kegs here, between OGS and EGS. Reckon’ which one crazy dog lady or a herd of maybe lawyers collides with first?
“I was pointing out how things work, not problems.”
Remember, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!”