Hey! See how cleverly I worked conventions into the strip today (an EXTRA strip! Thank you, everyone, who donated using the ‘You & Hubris’ button over there on the left.)
I’m at HeroesCon just now, and hopefully drumming up new readers for Hubris! If YOU’re new here, and stopped by the booth at HeroesCon- Welcome! Welcome and Thank You! We’re glad you’re here! Come back as often as you can, please! Team Hubris needs all the players it can get, y’know.
Also very Very VERY convenient for Bob to slither off and be out of blast range for whatever went on and is in the house; to finish detonating about Hubris’ ears…..
Though he would be a natural for very few clothes costumes, there, Bob is smart.
(we won’t discuss my fur bikini many years ago in the dealer’s room at a convention…)
And in the last strip Bob also foreshadows.
Hint: Check the roof.
Does Bob knit bracelets from his bellybutton lint for anyone that asks for his photo?