So the back-and-forth is happening.
Wonder where that’ll lead.
Probably just where they two participants want it to lead, right?
So the back-and-forth is happening.
Wonder where that’ll lead.
Probably just where they two participants want it to lead, right?
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“It’s early yet.”
-Officer Coffeeface
It’s like ABC and CBS begin another Rumble For The Ratings, right before NBC comes out of nowhere with a late, yet sensational, entry.
Still rooting for Team Durnell, btw.
Dusty has writers. I wonder if Durnell is getting secret help from Kelly.
Well, we KNOW Kelly set Dusty up to get trashed at least ONCE already, way back when… and more or less admitted it to Hubris…
Durnell has the better delivery. Dusty just has claws and fangs. Durnell may come out on top of the ratings tussle, but he’s not going to like the journey along the way.
It’s all downhill from here and uphill back to the car.
This is reminiscent of the old radio “feud” between Jack Benny and Fred Allen. However, where Jack Benny, Fred Allen, and, possibly Darnell, “feuded” for ratings, Dusty seems to want to tear down Darnell.
Happy May 4th.
What is the internal temperature of a tauntaun?
Ani is short for Anakin. What is Luke short for?
A stormtrooper.
Happy May The Fourth Bewitch You!
Watch out for the revenge of the Fifth.
Pretty dang funny.