Douglas Adams wrote a scene in one of the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy books where, in the swamp of the mattresses on Squornshelous Zeta, night closed in with crazed entomologists calling to each other across the landscape (I did all that from memory, so if it’s all jacked up, I apologize) and I didn’t recall that scene until I’d finished drawing this particular cartoon, scanned, colored and uploaded it. Then I re-read it and realized I’d just stolen the concept wholesale. Dang it.
Usually, I write from within the world of Hubris for these blog entries- treating the story and characters as they are. The above paragraph, though, is more the sort of thing you’d have gotten from the Patreon page when this cartoon ran last week. There, I usually do a behind-the-scenes approach. I gibber about coloring and writing, about line weight and style, about schedules and editing. If you like that sort of thing, I’d be pleased for you to pony up a buck or three every month and be a patron member of Team Hubris. Just click on the orange Patreon logo over there on the left that is slightly outdated and needs replacing…
Be a Patreon! The world needs more noids!
Wait. Is that right…?
It’s okay. Everything old is new again.
It’s not like Douglas Adams is going to come after you for stealing his ideas.
Dang. I hope not. Now I’m gonna have nightmares.
He was a really cool guy. I have a towel he autographed and I did zigzag over the signature to keep it from disappearing (you can still see the marker under it)
I won’t tell anyone, Greg. snerks