First things first- Welcome, everyone who used to see Hubris at GoComics. You had, what… ten or a dozen new strips when you got over here that hadn’t run yet at GC? So, I hope that was nice.
Second- some of us that are used to seeing four new cartoons here a week (ever since GoComics picked it up. That’s when we went to four) may have been irritated at getting three new strips here last week, like it was another of those high-deadline-and-Greg-can’t-keep-up weeks. But no! Now the deal is that we’re back to a M-W-F type schedule here at, and patrons get four a week. It’s only fair. They’re horking up hard-earned shekels and bobs for some extra attention, so… there ya go.
Now, on with the show!
Kara’s acting competitive again. I think everyone’s on the same page now.
Of course, Kara wouldn’t have won at paintball… she was faintly distracted.
But let’s discuss the really important thing…
Does Bob just move so deliberately and easily that he fades into the background, or does he actually dematerialize like a swami or a yogi or one of those enlightened masters? If he’s manifesting himself at convenient places in the universe by will alone, that’s one thing. I don’t have time to become enlightened and he might as well just keep on keeping on. If he’s just humming quietly and slipping off when he feels like it, well, that’s a pretty nice bit of stagecraft, and I’d like some notes on it.
How ’bout you?
There used to be a series of science fiction stories back in the 70s and 80s that featured a character that would quietly disappear from a room and no one would notice until hours later. I thought that was cool, so I started doing the same thing. It’s easy – just wait until everyone is preoccupied with who they’re talking to, then step out. After doing this a few weeks, all my friends complained about it and told me to stop doing that. I guess it was because they thought I was still in the house somewhere after the party, and they’d spend hours checking all the closets to make sure wasn’t still hiding in there.
“I am NOT any kind of ninja!”
Those times you do something and say to yourself,” I knew that was a stupid idea, so why did I do it?”, Bob is the combined energy of those unused bits of wisdom, given live and form by the universe. The universe is tired of our stupid crap and just wants to help us get it together.
Bob is definitely my favorite character. I wish I knew someone like him (as well as being someone like him.) The closest I come is an acquaintance who actually looks a lot like Bob, long hair, usually shirtless (because of what he does — belly dancing and juggling swords — with his feet), very zen, and a raw foodie to boot. I think, given time, he too would bend the space/time continuum to disappear at will.
Can we take a moment to appreciate the absolute trolling going on in the comic write-up? Greg goes on and on about Bob, and says basically nothing about the actual drama unfolding in the cartoon.
(“….What drama?” …C’mon Greg, you know you wanna say it…) 😛
It’s Greg’s cartoon so he can do what he wants.
Wasn’t bashing. Was just appreciating the fine art of trolling, which is quite apropos in the Hubriverse. Simmer down there. 😛
Bob knows when to show and when to go.
That is so Kara-esque though, the bit where she realizes that she gave up playing the paintball, because.
Let’s see Sunday’s antics fire up, eh?
Alas, life is not fully complete without some… regret.
Im sad you’re going back to 3 comics a week but I also understand. xD Guess this gives me a reason to become a patreon haha.
Can’t tell if Hubris is trying not to laugh at what Kara is saying in the last panel or if he’s really sad.
It’s cool to be both, right? Very human.
I think all, or very nearly all, of the comic strips will be here on Gotta keep the archive complete somewhere, after all!
Maybe a little of both, and also a 4th-wall “knowing smile.”
So are 1/4 of the strips omitted from or does it just gradually get further and further behind the patreon site?
I’d like to keep all the strips on, just so there’s a complete archive. But, it might work out better if there are a few here and there that only wind up on Patreon. We’ll see as we go. So far, Patreon/hubris is just getting ahead of Hubriscomics.