I used to be baffled by people who put their bikes on cars and went somewhere to ride them. Why not, I thought in my fourteen-year-old’s experience, ride your bike THERE and then see it, and ride HOME. That silly idea (like most silly assumptions we make) stuck with me until I discovered that clearing the first twenty miles out of the way left more time to enjoy the actual ride at the destination. My wife taught me that. Then I took it where I wanted, and the destinations became less about what interesting part of town, or another person’s interesting town, than about riding a piece of dirt that you REALLY REALLY enjoy but wouldn’t want to ride to on a bet because the car drivers around here are dumb as dirt. But that’s another story. Or maybe three.
Then you became one of “those guys” who straps a bike to your car. 😀
Heck, then I became one of those guys who strapped a mountain bike, a BMX and a unicycle to the back of a Jeep CJ and went out for the day.
Greg, I want a VIDEO of you riding a unicycle, juggling 3 “The Buckets” plush dolls! 😀
tricky. The uni is no problem, but I’d have to learn how to juggle and, apparently, how to sew plush dolls. HMMmmmmm. Life sized Eddie plush. Fun for frightening the pets with!
Greg – there’s a project to add to your “Honey … DON’T!” list!! *LOL*