You gotta work with what you got. Me, for instance? I’ve learned that I’m crap at driving directions. I would actually take wrong turns running shuttle on kayaking trips. Rivers only run in one direction. You’d think I could get myself back to the put-in without sitting at an intersection wondering which way I was supposed to turn. Typically if it seems unthinkable to go any direction but left, I need to turn right. That gets me where I’m going. With Paste, it seems pretty important to teach him to disobey his more serious instincts. If he feels like setting fire to the washing machine, for instance, just to see what’d happen…
First aid, second aid, questionable kool-aid? Don’t text while moving.
Random Guy – tell that to all the f&$*ing morons who do it while driving a bloody car!
I work a security gate. I know.