Where were those Japanese soldiers that stayed in the jungle after WWII, not knowing the war was over? ย New Guinea or someplace, right? ย Man, those guys were committed.
But then, they weren’t paying by the hour to rent their gear, either.
Where were those Japanese soldiers that stayed in the jungle after WWII, not knowing the war was over? ย New Guinea or someplace, right? ย Man, those guys were committed.
But then, they weren’t paying by the hour to rent their gear, either.
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Nothing like offering to melt the ol’ ‘fantastic plastic’ to make someone dense as lead see the light. ๐
Hah! I called it about 2 hours ago, before the strip updated, so I doubt anyone noticed my comment. But I called it! The shadow in panel 2 kind of looks like Lowell…
Lowell’s out hunting balloons, remember? Almost like hunting snipes. (at camp, baaad… in Texas, you can actually get permits and hunt the real thing)
He’s *supposed* to be hunting balloons. Not the same thing.
Eh … I need the black and yellowed checkered paint … can you check if Greg has some on his desk? ๐
TSOJ – I need the cable expanders … can you find ’em in the closet, behind the counter at Outdoor Galore? ๐
I remember the 1974 one where they had to find his former commanding officer and send him to order the fellow out…. there’s a list.
You may also look at… http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hiroo_Onoda
They had a few after 1974 apparently. Out in that Pacific Theater with all those small strung out islands, a lot got cut off.
The Just For Men National Beard and Moustache Championship took place Saturday in New Orleans. Is this Durnell?
Could be. Might be Durnell’s mentor, ‘Whiskers’ Finnigan.
Speaking of beards and Moustaches…
We have a good month until it’s time for MOvember again… to raise awareness for men’s health issues. The idea is to clean shave on 1 November then grow that ‘stache for the cause, and it gets shaved off on the 30th. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Movember http://us.movember.com/ c’mon out and join in the fun.
Yes I am one of the few XX gene carriers that can grow face fur, the older I get the easier it gets… bleg… and I am going to go out for the cause this year; already made up a tee and some buttons, and printed some cards to hand out. 30 days, you MAN enough to join us? ๐
I believe I might have to do Movember again myself. My wife’s not a fan of the handlebar ‘stache I grew last year, though. I also kept it for a while, not just Movember.
I don’t wanna shave my goatee… I probably shouldn’t either, I’m working with young kids – pre-schoolers – at that time, and it could confuse/upset them a bit.
Ginger I used to work with, was about 6’3 and he could make you say “Sir” whether the alley was dark or not… had ‘stache and goatee beard, and one day showed up at work looking ‘different’. I was the only one that picked up he had traded goatee for ‘fu manchu’ and it fit him so well… might try that one, AllenVS (won’t let me reply to yours straight off)