It’s all about the motivation, ain’t it.

Anyhow,  news.  I FINALLY ordered the new stickers, so all of you who kindly put cash in the tip jar and provided your mailing addresses will finally be sent a Thank You.

Also, I’m several pages in (around 50) to setting up the next Hubris book, and there’s an awful lot of new comics to draw to fill in story bits and to feature the folks who sent photos and all earlier and then I didn’t get your preferred whacky sports into the storyline.

I have my old notes to go back through (also time consuming.  This is a tough book to put together) but if you want to be SURE that I get you and your preferred sort of appearance straight this time (or if that sounds like fun, and you want to pretend that you sent in a photo and a sport to compete in earlier when you send it in this time), NOW would be the time to email me with details.   I know CrazyAl wanted to be in some kind of pogo sticking competition or something… and I fear that some of you were in the background of some of the cartoons during the Great Stanky Creek OutdoorFest and either didn’t recognize my caricatures of you, or felt you should have been in a competition… well, let me know, willya?  I know its been a long time coming and I apologize for that.  Busy busy, you know.

The next book is looking like fun, though, and the extra content will make it a good item.