It’s an advertising strategy (also a logical fallacy, the list of ad strategies and the list of things that aren’t admissible in a logical argument are very similar) to dangle a hero figure in front of someone to get them onto your wavelength. Hopefully, a few of you could be talked into taking a whitewater trip solely because that particular river is Hubris’ favorite. I have big plans to one day allow, for a considerable fortune, some very hip company the use of Hubris’ likeness to lure people into dangerous outdoor pursuits. It’s logically fallacious, and a darn good-ish and nearly guiltless business model. Right?
Greg, get a good lawyer
Two, just keep drawing 🙂
As for Mr. S-C, whatever works, before his wife and daughter toss him over for a drag anchor….
Lawyer? Why? It’s just a few rapids more….
Two, nah. I’m old enough to know better. Uh oh…
One can only hope.
Greg, if you actually had a place at the dangerous activity where Hubris took a selfie for instagram, I’d go.
Actually, I was in a dangerous activity a week and a half ago, at the top of a mountain with a 200-foot (or so, I wasn’t counting) drop at the edge. Hubris wasn’t there at the time. Not exactly a selfie, either, so…
Hero worship doesn’t work so well with cartoon characters when it comes to marketing. There was a famous study done with DC and Marvel comic heroes vs. action movies stars, and both groups elicited negative reactions to the fake products and services being advertised compared to the control groups, who either saw the adverts without the celebrities/comic heroes or were not exposed to adverts at all. The authors surmised that the public expects heroes to never “sell out”, which is just absurd if you ask me: the characters are created for the sole purpose of making money.
I remember OfficeMax or Office Depot or somesuch company once paid a LOT of money to use Dilbert® in it’s store ads and merchandising years ago. It flopped pretty badly, if I remember right.
While I have a hard time arguing the point about cartoon characters being created solely for turning a profit… I might suggest a modification, based on the current state of cartooning. Cartoon characters are created in the hopes of making money… while satisfying some kind of insane need on the part of the cartoonist to tell a story while drawing pictures. And simultaneously hoping about the money thing.
So when are you launching the subscription for a full week of Hubris? I would gladly sign up and pay for a subscription (fixed amount for access) versus the guess-when-the-tip-jar-hits-the-magic-number for the week…
Hmm. I haven’t worked out a schedule to have the paywall made yet. Anyone else that’d like to see a Full-Week-Of-Hubris paywall, speak up! I’ve got to admit, the extra work sounds a little daunting, but you guys know I’ll go the extra mile (of whitewater) for ya.
Lemme know. I made a donation a few weeks ago, but without a ‘tip-o-meter’ scale to know when we’ve hit enough to make you have to draw a full weeks worth… I’d rather just do the subscribe 🙂
(52 weeks @ $50 a week in tip jar = $2600… 1000 Hubris readers/subscribers offering up $5 for more Hubris = $5000. Hm…)
If we’re using the $50 mark to earn you guys an extra two strips, I now owe you another two on top of the original two extra. And we’re probably not far from me doing two more after that, I guess. I’ve got a couple more strips on the board now, but also have a trip to the National Cartoonist Society’s Reuben Awards (I was not nominated for any division awards this year, so don’t cheer.) I’m really looking forward to it. I love being in a fancy hotel full of cartoonists. So I’ll have to do my Hubris catching up after that.
One thing I keep being told is to jump on the Kickstarter-style crowdfunding thing before it goes belly up. Whattaya think? Could Team Hubris pool enough money to produce the next two Hubris books and get Hubris up to six cartoons a week? It’d have to be, like, $40,000 or something crazy to guarantee all that stuff, plus to mail out the premiums to people- Embroidered ‘Team Hubris’ patches and Books and original art and all. I’m not sure we have enough folks visiting the site to pony up that kinda money. Maybe we should just go nuts and try to raise a million dollars to film the Hubris Movie. Go for the Crazy. You think Jack Black or Seth Rogan for Hubris?
Me, I can do the cheesy gameshow host smile. Might be a b*tch keeping my hair blonde though, that is a difficult process. (takes three bakings a day apart to get the roots, I can have tortie roots). I’d work a lot cheaper than Jack or Seth and I think I have Hubie’s physique …