“Wump!” “Wait!”
It’s a cartoon, brought to you by the letter ‘W’.
“Wump!” “Wait!”
It’s a cartoon, brought to you by the letter ‘W’.
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Tweety and Bob look like they survived, good. Betting Tweety gets up and keeps running.
The elevator is going to be a real road block in the pump park. That poor muddy fellow has so earned it, he deserves the win.
And YEAH, Enis probably flapped off his lip once too often and Shelly will hand him his pride and probably a few other body parts!!!!! He probably lipped off to Mal…. hehehe. Security might need to step in on the latter one, but I think the one that needs to roll on out… Enis.
Pain central today.
Yeah, I’m wondering if “Grover & Gladys” were inside that elevator, when the cyclist hit, or were they watching this unfold, from just “off-camera”?
Shelly has that Ms Piggy vibe goin…
I dunno…
…Mal doesn’t seem to convey very much of the “nice guy”-vibe that I associate with Kermit, but maybe he can ‘grow’ into the role, with her help.
Looks like she was feeling merciful…
…that punch seems high-enough to be ABOVE his gut, so the worst we can expect is maybe a “cracked sternum”, &/or a “cracked rib”-or-2?
Add W for Wonderful!!
Where’s the onomatopoeia, Greg?
Today it’s all about the facial reactions.
There are so many story lines in this Stanky Creek Outdoor Fest arc, it’s like… like… crazyball.
What a great comic!