Oh. Man. CLASSIC! I almost fell off my chair laughing. Astute of Paste. He probably has some basement dwellers in his circle of acquaintences.
Brilliant, bravo! Hope someone sold them some sunblock too (the higher the SPF number you see, the better their saving throw against morphing into were-lobsters)
Hmm. Lawn darts. Is there ANY problem they can’t solve?
You know, I’m very seriously starting to think about sponsoring Paste’s tuition to go to university to study business management relations and headhunting.
We had Jarts (the copyrighted name for lawn darts with the pointed tips) when we were kids. We were smart enough to know to not throw them at other people or at each other. I like the way Paste is thinking though.
Paste is a sly one, I’ll grant him that.
We had the lawn darts (jarts) when I was little, and we survived just fine. The target hoops had several spear holes in them, however. Maybe we can bring them back and accelerate the Darwin effect? Please? There are a lot of idiots in the world that need to disappear . . .
Oh. Man. CLASSIC! I almost fell off my chair laughing. Astute of Paste. He probably has some basement dwellers in his circle of acquaintences.
Brilliant, bravo! Hope someone sold them some sunblock too (the higher the SPF number you see, the better their saving throw against morphing into were-lobsters)
Yay Paste. Way to go Greg!
So you mean THEY get lost in the woods, meet the Raccoon Clan, and rescue Lowell? hehehehe
Hmm. Lawn darts. Is there ANY problem they can’t solve?
You know, I’m very seriously starting to think about sponsoring Paste’s tuition to go to university to study business management relations and headhunting.
Noob. Shoulda held out for HEMA.
We had Jarts (the copyrighted name for lawn darts with the pointed tips) when we were kids. We were smart enough to know to not throw them at other people or at each other. I like the way Paste is thinking though.
I just KNEW a solution would be found once Paste got into the conversation. Fight trolls with trolls!
figured paste would come to the rescue at last bet a few parents of gamers would love the lawn dart idea.
Paste is a sly one, I’ll grant him that.
We had the lawn darts (jarts) when I was little, and we survived just fine. The target hoops had several spear holes in them, however. Maybe we can bring them back and accelerate the Darwin effect? Please? There are a lot of idiots in the world that need to disappear . . .