Okay, after just not putting things here pretty much all January, and nothing particular this month, we’re back on track for a week or so…

You probably don’t want an explanation, but I feel like I owe ya, so here’s something for you-  November and December exploded.  I had hoped to put two long-standing projects to bed during the lull that usually happens around the holidays, but this year, lots of clients decided to burn the last few bucks in their annual budgets, and I got swamped.  It’s my job, after all, and I need the money… so I took everything I could and Hubris suffered the consequences.  I still don’t have those two long-standing jobs finished either.

Then, I wanted to make good on a promise to create a Hubris Calendar for the Patreon supporters (who, lord bless ’em, are pretty much Hubris’ sole income these days). The image above is the ‘February’ image.  Feel free to use it as a desktop or screen saver or whatever the kids are doing these days.

Then there was the ice storm, the power outage, the exploding internet box on the pole outside our house and a long-planned trip out of town to photograph more wildlife.

Whatever.  You get at least three more cartoons this week, and I think I’m on track to have more later the next week.  I’d love to promise them on time, but heaven knows what’s gonna explode next.