I mentioned that I went to HeroesCon 2016 in Charlotte NC, and it’s taken me this long to publish any of the photos. Sorry about that. Here’s to get you started:
Kudos to you if you can name all the characters. Admiration to you if you can even pin down what media in which the characters appear.
Great photos, Greg!
Did you remember to collect samples?
I hope you don’t mean like DNA samples. I heard that a costume-heavy Con around here was banned from one hotel forever about that kind of thing.
… maybe…?
I had to call in my comic book expert (my son) and even he does not know them all. The top one stumped him, but moving down I think we have
Bill, Mabel, Dipper, and Wendy from Gravity Falls.
Couldn’t ID Mom, but then Raven, Beast Boy and Robin from Teen Titans.
Sentinal, Cyclop and Jean Grey from X-Men.
He thinks the bottom pic is Loki after “after he touches the box in Thor and his skin turns blue because he is half frost giant.”
The only one I identified by myself was Robin. No cracks about the older generation or I’ll hit you with my cane. (Now THERE is a super-hero I want to see – a cane yielding granny.)
Barely finished writing the comment above and he had found the two mystery super-heroes on-line. (Now we all know why he is still unemployed. Sigh. If only there were a job-track for voracious consumers of geek pop culture.)
Top one is Kamala Khan from Captain Marvel. (And then I was treated to the exciting news that her predecessor, Carol Denvers, will be the first female super-hero in the Marvel Comic Universe to headline a movie.)
Unidentified green mother has been id’d as Miss Martian of Teen Titans and Young Justice.
Anybody want to hire an enthusiastic, knowledgeable and personable young man? (He graduated magna cum laude with a B.S. in engineering. He doesn’t spend ALL his time reading comic books. He also has high knowledge and wisdom stats in role playing games, board games and video games.)