Just wanted you guys to know- it’s been a long haul, and many dollars spent on little advertising bits and getting ready to go to some conventions, but HUBRIS is getting bigger. We’re just now cracking 1000 readers a day, and it’s very,very gratifying. I’m happy to write and draw Hubris- it comes from the heart, somehow- but it’s more special knowing you guys are reading. Thanks to YOU for being here!!
Yay! We rock!
Hubris! Hubris! Hubris!
No, Greg… YOU ROCK. You’re a bit crazy, but you rock man!
On behalf of your other reads, we thank you for your awesome comics, and want you to know, you’re stuck doing this til the day you die. 😀
Agreed Allan Greg rocks.
I refuse to rock (gravel, maybe).
I’d rather Pebbleâ„¢ on my wrist, thanks. 😀 (Google “Pebble Watch”)
Ah, neat.
I’m not sure why – maybe it’s the unicycle – but you give me hope. Thank you.
I admit, I was hooked when I saw the ad with Kara on the muni… (I’m NOT obsessed with unicycles… I’m devoted…)
You rock indeed! Go Greg!
yeah, Greg Rocks!
I can so relate to Hubris, in many ways. Almost wishing I was 35 years younger at times… and still able to take the lumps, bumps, stitches, and casts. Can laugh a vatload and live vicariously anyways. Keep it going Greg.