I thought I might catch you guys up on the Snuffy Smith trip.

Lonnie’s FB photo of the bunch of us, kindly taken by our server with Lonnie’s phone or camera, I can never remember which any more. The sooner everything is one little device (A Tricorder, say) the better.
From far left, and going clockwise- John Henderson, Lonnie Easterling, John and Karen Rose, Guy Gilchrist (in THE hat), Kevin Williams (in A hat), me and Bob Kimball met up at a Nashville eatery before John’s book signing. It was fun.
You might as well get to know the people in the photo. We’ll start, I guess, with John.
HERE is his portfolio site.
and if you click HERE, you get his webcomic. We already know you read webcomics, so you might need to go there and add him into your list, right?
John’s a good guy. He does art for game designs. The freelance life is not for the faint of heart, or for those who panic anyhow. His cartoons and art say more about him than I can, so peruse his sites and keep an eye out for him, willya?
For those of us who aren’t any better at bookmarking and returning to things than I am, I’ve put John’s webcomic in the links list over there down the left hand side of the page. For all of you who are surprised there’s a Links List down the left hand side of the page… you need to examine all the little buttons and extras I throw on here for ya!
And in a couple of days, we’ll discuss Lonnie and his stuff!
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