You might not always believe it- depending on how far behind I am when I draw up each cartoon- but I do have character sheets on Hubris and his folk. I keep a 20X30 board with the various sheets stuck to it over my drawing board. Here’s the main image:
This thing was done long before the website started up, back when I thought newspapers were going to be the venue for Hubris. So for a couple of years, the board (black foamcore) was mostly to block sunlight from falling across my light table (I draw on a light table. There are some great and efficient things you can do on a light table. I learned that from Hy Eisman during a Joe Kubert seminar yeeeeaaaars ago. I’m grateful for those seminars.)
I also have a .jpg of this image that I call up when I’m coloring. It’s titled ‘color grab file’, and I do just that- grab colors to use on the new strips. Computers are great and efficient, too. Waaay back in the day, when I was still doing the Shoney’s restaurant children’s menus/activity books (anyone want me to do a Hubris activity book?) and I first took over the coloring duties because I had one’a them newfangled computers, I inherited a color palette from the big company who had been doing the color work. Every color had a number. I use a wacom tablet and could select with one hand while keying colors with the other hand. It was a little like piano, and the activity menus got colored quick, man, quick.
I would LOVE a hubris activity book…so might my kids, if they can steal the crayons fro me.
You share your crayons with your kids?! What are you thinking?! My sister has her “own” back, that her kids aren’t allowed to use. They have their own pack, and she doesn’t use them (mainly because the kids ‘press hard’ on their crayons, and she uses artists wax which is more expensive, supposedly.)