So, there’s the wonderful Memphis Flyer that I’ve mentioned before, yeah? Well, they had eighteen local artists paint on eighteen of their newspaper boxes, and they had a party, and they’re putting our boxes here and there around town. I assume in eighteen different places. Larry Kuzniewski, professional photographer with a cool studio and everything, even took our photos with the boxes. Very nice. I mangled Larry’s photo of me, see? I did a surreal photoshop thing and gave you a peek at four sides of the box and all. And, if you think that must be Kara falling off a skateboard on the top of the box, well, you’d be right, and you’d be generous of spirit and not blame me for wanting to do that, right?
•UPDATE• Now you can see all the arty boxes, and vote for one you like. (I’m not saying you have to vote for mine… hang on a minute. Yes, I AM saying you have to go vote for mine.) Go vote HERE.
That’s my ancient Dregs 44″ sitting in front of the box, too. The board over my shoulder is one my kids and I painted.
I almost voted for Lauren Rae Holtermann … but then I remembered YOU are my friend, not her (even tho she’s cute!) … in the end, I voted Cravens.
Her art was pretty seriously good. I’d have voted for her if my own work wasn’t there and my ego so ponderously huge.